I started training like a bodybuilder in my late teens to get stronger and bigger. I lifted heavy weights and trained for an hour and a half 5-6 days per week and I got big, I got strong, and that was my identity. I thought all that strength made me invincible but I had no idea that I was really breaking my body down. I always had aches and pains somewhere and so did everyone I trained with, so pain was an acceptable risk. Pain was the badge of courage we all wore. I didn't know that only training my large muscle groups to get stronger made the smaller muscles that hold my body together weaker.
One of those aches and pains was the beginning of a degenerative hip condition and that changed everything for me by my mid 30's. My workouts became more limited, I lost strength in my legs, and my personal life suffered as well. Coping with chronic pain robbed me of my energy every day. If I wanted to go for a walk with my wife and daughter I had to plan ahead of time how far I could walk and how much I would be able to walk the next day. My low back also took a beating from the stiffness in my hip, resulting in low back spasms. My self esteem was dwindling along with my strength and energy. I was feeling old and limited, and I couldn't understand at the time how the training I loved and invested so many years in could have caused so much damage. I knew that my training and how I thought about training needed to evolve or else I would eventually be forced to stop altogether.
The need for answers drove me to learn everything I could about how the human body is designed to move. I learned that poor movement creates stress that leads to injury and moving well makes your body resistant to injury. I now know that being fit is more than pushing myself as far as I can and pushing through aches and pains. I want the same for my clients. Strength and endurance are still the goals, but my client's training is now guided by HOW WELL instead of just HOW MUCH or HOW LONG. Training needs to be challenging but also needs to be based on skill and coordination, so that you’re not just getting stronger, but are developing a mastery of your body in motion.
My mantra now is Train Smarter, Not Harder. I work with people with a wide range of abilities to develop better strength, control, and endurance without pain. My clients want to get more fit so they can enjoy their favorite activities or sports. My clients want to get stronger without limitations for years to come. Come experience an evolution in fitness and learn how to reinvent your body and your life.