I was experiencing random aches and back pain in recent years. Then I had “frozen shoulder” which was pretty painful. All of this made me feel less confident about doing everyday tasks.

I tried a number of things to get better. Some were helpful, such as chiropractic care and massage. But these felt like managing symptoms and not improving my abilities. I did some exercise at the gym but it was hard to make progress on my own. It was sad and frustrating to think I would have to accept increasing limitations.

A physical therapist recommended Doug to me, which impressed me. My first session was both exciting and a relief. Doug started me off with exercises that were not the standard sit ups, etc. but movements that were mindful and tailored to my concerns.

Since then, Doug continues to give me new and interesting motions, stretches, and challenges. I appreciate how Doug explains how the body works and shows me how each exercise can be fine-tuned to strengthen the body and avoid injury. His knowledge, attention, and kindness is constant and keeps me going. The fact that Doug can do all of this successfully on zoom is a testament to his experience and skills.

My loss of strength and flexibility over the past few years made me doubt my body and become fearful of injuries. There was a set of exercises Doug showed me that—when I did them on my own—felt like I had reached a limit and would have to give up. But at the next session, Doug listened to how I felt and showed me a way to try again. I not only found a way to do the exercises and get stronger, but found new confidence in my body and myself.

It may sound cheesy but working with Doug has given me more hope for my future. I feel less doubtful about my ability to maintain strength and flexibility. I know aging is a reality but now I know there are safe ways to optimize my health and be more in charge of my life. It’s quite a relief.
— Sayo

I started working with Doug three years ago. I was seeking help fully rehabilitating from hip replacement surgery. I heard that Doug has also had similar surgery and knew a lot about the rehabilitation process. While I had improved after my surgery, I was still having bothersome residual hip and leg pain. I had tried a steroid injection in my lower back which temporarily helped but then the pain returned, so I was discouraged. Doug is an expert in understanding the musculature of the body, diagnosing related problems, and designing the proper exercises to help stretch and strengthen those body parts. His approach with me was first organized around strengthening my core musculature. In addition, we began a series of other exercises that were custom designed to address issues related to my hip and leg discomfort. Each month the exercises changed but continued to address my specific needs. Slowly but surely I began to notice changes in my body posture, strength, and decreasing hip and leg discomfort. This wasn’t always a linear progression. There were some setbacks especially when I was traveling and wasn’t able to keep up my regular exercise routine. Generally, I have tried to do the exercise routine twice a week and take walks on other days. As of the past half-year, my leg and hip problems have decreased to the point where I am rarely aware of any problems. Doug is extremely easy to work with, has a wonderful sense of humor, is quite empathic, and seems genuinely concerned with my progress and setbacks. He closely monitors how the exercises are affecting my body. He is very creative in planning and designing new and interesting exercises making the process very different than any other physical therapy or personal training experience that I have had. I’m very glad that I found him and that I have had the good sense to continue working with him.
— Ken

I started working with Doug about a year ago as a last-ditch effort to be able to keep cycling. I have been riding for about 18 years and love to do multi-day rides to places I have never traveled before. However I was having so much knee pain, low back and neck pain as well as a hip that was acting like a cranky old person, that I was beginning to think my riding days were through. My knee pain had become so bad that I couldn’t walk up or down stairs without turning sideways like a crab.

Doug quickly identified some of my muscle groups that were overworking, like my quadriceps, and those, like my glutes that were going for a free ride. Through simple exercises and Doug’s persistence, I was able to start rebuilding my body. I can now squat and not worry about pain or not being able to get back up. A flight of stairs is no longer a daunting obstacle.

This summer I was able to ride the old Orient Express route through Europe from Paris, France to Istanbul, Turkey. My knees didn’t bother me at all either on the bike or when carrying my 40 pound bag up and down multiple flights of stairs. My usual low back pain while doing long climbs was also absent. So now, instead of hanging up my bike shoes, I am thinking of where else I can ride.

Thank you Doug for keeping me going.
— Kathleen

I’ve had back pain from years of sports, gardening, poor alignment, and general weakness and instability as a part of the aging process. The doctor had offered cortisone shots or surgery. When I balked at that, he suggested Pilates to strengthen my core. However Pilates didn’t seem to get to the root of the problem and in fact at times aggravated the condition.

One of the best things about Doug is that he pays very close attention to all of the little habits I had that were contributing to the problem. Doug is aware of how everything is connected, and doesn’t just focus on the spot where you are feeling pain, but looks for how your habits may be contributing to the problem. Then he works with you to develop new habits that take care of the problem. Of course this takes time, so close attention is critical throughout the process, and Doug’s interest and encouragement never wavered. Doug’s ways of speaking and directing your movement were also different from other trainers or physical therapists. He pays close attention to what you say, and sometimes the unsaid (ie., your attitude about your body), and has a knowledgeable yet kind approach to help you slowly change that attitude to one that includes the possibility of positive change.

I learned more about my habits, about how I was so much more stable on one leg than the other, and what I was doing to create that stability. I learned that I was using my lower back versus my core to create stability, putting too much stress on my back. That was definitely a wake up call. And the focus on breathing, that was critical also—not just when to breathe, but where you breathe, what part of your body you used, that made a big difference in my ability to become more stable.

I don’t think the problem will ever be solved—how can one solve getting older—but now I have the necessary tools to use my body in a more efficient and comfortable way.
— Julia

I had two separate issues to deal with — both knees gave me pain when hiking, and sometimes even when just walking downstairs, and an achy shoulder that was beginning to really cut down what I could do—even sleeping on it was a no-go.

Cortisone shots to the knees worked over several years, but did not work long term. After an MRI on the shoulder, a cortisone shot did very little. But in both cases I was motivated to avoid surgery, so I referred myself to physical therapy. My knees started to respond quickly to physical therapy, and I was at least encouraged by the physical therapy approach on the shoulder, although I was still impatient and a bit frustrated. One of the best things my physical therapist did was to convince me to continue work on both issues longer term — beyond the 10-session run of insurance coverage, and best of all, recommended that I work with Doug, who had previously run the physical therapy group’s in-house fitness programs and shared their philosophy.

Doug is not your typical trainer, at least not like any I had experience with before. His approach starts with observation, then moves to form correction, physical stability, and strength — more like a physical therapist/trainer in one.

There were two separate moments when I realized the work we were doing was helping — the first was when I realized I could hike 10 miles in steep and rough terrain and end the day with no knee pain! The second was a bit longer in coming, and it took Doug encouraging my patience, but one day I realized my shoulder hardly ever bothered me anymore. In both cases it took more patience than I started out with but along with the physical training, Doug coached me on patience and the resolve to keep going.

Life is so much better when you can hike, bike, surf, swim, and even sleep without pain. Outdoor physical activity is central to my own feeling of well-being and Doug has been instrumental in teaching me how to protect that. As a bonus, my lower back feels much better too! (like many people, I’ve had a lifetime of varying degrees of lower back discomfort or pain on and off).
— Steve

I am an active senior male and have utilized many respected body work and physical therapy methods since my twenties. For over a year I was not getting results with any of those methods with my low back pain and a nerve impingement affecting my right leg. It was very frustrating and depressing. I had the good fortune of being introduced to the Rebuild Your Back online course by Doug Barsanti. The intro on spine stability made sense. The first lesson on diaphragmatic breathing had my back feeling at least 50% better. It was clear that this was the right therapy method for me. As I went through the course I continued to gain stability in my back. I feel a complete recovery is available for me as I continue with the lessons. I am grateful and pleased with the range of positive results that I am experiencing with my body.
— Michael

I’ve had episodes of severe low back pain from a bulging disc. I would sometimes find something that worked and was so relieved, but the frustration and sadness that came with searching for a “magic pill” was overwhelming. I could usually muster some optimism as I tried something new, but would frequently follow with the feeling of disappointment when it worked just a little or not at all.

The clarity of the goal of the Rebuild Your Back from the Ground Up online course was refreshing and new. The concept of the “orchestra” was a huge reframe for me, both physically and mentally. Finally adopting a goal that was ambitious, but not in a physical way, felt so much more attainable (and ultimately was!). I was committing to re-building...not fixing, not alleviating, not getting back to ______, not using up the PT visits that the insurance company approved, etc. Starting from the beginning and building from there allowed for a sense of accomplishment each week without it being particularly overwhelming or challenging. It ended up being a little re-build of my brain and my approach to my back as well.

I enjoyed the program and the pace throughout, and when I went back to work on August 12th and realized that I had NOT had an episode during the summer (as I had the past 3 summers), that’s when I knew that this program and this routine had put me on the right track.

Getting the optimism back has been huge. I have a sense of peace and accomplishment, like I’m not just waiting for the next episode to set in. I feel like I have more tools to stave off or minimize an episode if/when it happens. I haven’t gotten to the point of making big plans for myself, but feel as though I COULD...and that is big.
— Gina

I’ve been working with Doug for a year. I first went to see him because I was gradually losing my strength (I was 67 at the time). I was about to travel to Africa for a month and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to manage the physical demands of the trip. Doug prepared me for the physical challenges and I’ve been working with him weekly ever since because I am thrilled to recover the strength and balance that I thought I’d lost for good.

I admire Doug’s approach. He doesn’t offer a quick fix. Instead, he crafts a personalized routine that begins one notch above your current level of fitness. At our weekly sessions, he helps improve my form and slightly increases the intensity. Every four weeks, he changes the routine to a slightly higher level. He rarely uses machines. It’s mostly your own body weight, a few balls, an occasional kettlebell or dumbbell. His emphasizes hip, core, balance, and strength. I love it. As Doug says in his mission statement, he aims to help you achieve a level of fitness that you didn’t know was still possible. I am extremely impressed by his knowledge and thoughtfulness. And also, he seems to really enjoy working with old folks like me and my 80-year-old husband. Very cool.
— Lisa

My issues started on a family camping trip. Before then, I never experienced knee pain issues, but it only took one incident to take me away from my favorite pastime... playing tennis. I used to spend hours on the courts and now, I waited, hoping for a quick healing/recovery, with no such luck.

Discomfort and a nagging burning in my knees and hip interfered with walking and caused sleep deprivation. My doctor gave me steroid shots in both knees and it brought temporary relief to the burning and pain sensations, but not permanent relief. Then I considered knee replacement surgery. I encountered a friend who recently underwent knee surgery and had experienced many metabolic near death issues due to the drugs she took for pain relief from the surgery. Also, around this time, problems with opioid overdosing came on the news. Because of these issues, I reconsidered surgery as an answer to my knee pain issues.

Then I had heard about Doug through my Chiropractor, Dan, as well as from friends at Toadal Fitness. I heard he had overcome issues himself and I decided what better type of trainer than one who had first-hand experience?

When I first started training, i didn’t realize the importance of belly breathing. I started my training learning how to breath. However, I quickly learned that by using this technique, it brought relief to lower back pain and proved to be a wise starting point to my workouts.

As I learn about careful breathing, slow movements, and proper execution on each particular exercise routine, my strength and stability are returning as I continue in my health endeavors.
Although, I continue to experience occasional burning in my hip I am realizing it is a weakness in this area that might also be a major contributor to my knee issues. (possible cause ...too much sitting at work for too many years).

So.... I will continue with 30 to 50 minute regular exercise 💪!
— Jean Ann

I had one knee and one hip replaced due to arthritis while I was still working. Retiring at age 66 I then had the other knee replaced. By the time I moved to California from Seattle I was bionic, weak, off balance and using a cane. I didn’t get much exercise and grew stiffer and heavier. My outlook was rather gloomy and I could only imagine the day when I would be on a walker or even in a wheelchair.

I’ve usually been a more positive person, so I changed that story, joined Toadal Fitness, and found Doug. We’ve been working together for almost two years and I am in such a different place today. No more cane and my balance is much better. The workouts were always a challenge but never felt like more that I could handle. He watches carefully, understands how the human body works, is always supportive and has a great sense of humor.

Two summers ago I watched my family sail and swim and kayak while I sat on the porch of my brother’s house on the Hood Canal. Last summer, after working with Doug, I got in two of the boats and even rowed down the shore to get clams for dinner. So much more fun than sitting alone on the porch. And I went swimming every day.

Before I hated going to the gym and now I almost really like it. Still hard to get there sometimes but I tell myself, just drive to the parking lot then decide if you want to go in. I always go in now. Overall I feel much better and no longer live in fear of falling. I strongly recommend Doug to anyone who wants to keep moving happily through the aging process.
— Margo

I’m almost 60. I stopped running and playing soccer about 8 years ago due to arthritic knee pain. Now I only cycle and walk for exercise, both low impact activities. I get enough cardiovascular exercise, but I only did minimal strengthening. I care for my ailing mother and found myself having to do some (for me) heavy lifting, like taking the wheelchair in and out of the car. I also need strength and balance to help her physically.

Doug had me strengthening my hips and focusing on using them more to take the pressure off my knees. It was awkward and sometimes painful (as they were weak) at first. I also sometimes had knee pain when doing some of the exercises until Doug would make a slight adjustment that would take the pressure off my knees.

It wasn’t just about how much weight can you lift, but on breathing, and strengthening from the hips (the center of everything), as opposed to just the limbs.

I now feel much more confident in the knowledge of how to lift (my mother’s wheelchair, for example) using my hips, and my legs and arms are stronger too. I don’t worry about my knees much at all!
— Allison

I was in physical therapy when I first met Doug and I was so happy to find a trainer who would communicate with my physical therapist so I could be active in a way that would further the goals of physical therapy and wouldn’t make things worse. I’d worked out with other trainers before him who actually sometimes made things worse in respect to dealing with injuries. It seemed like working out with Doug actually extended the benefit of the physical therapy since they spoke the same language.

In the years since then I’ve continued to work out with Doug and, unfortunately, have continued to need physical therapy from time to time. The vicissitudes of aging as well as some injuries like a broken foot and a badly sprained ankle have continued to impact my desire to be active and play outside. I continue to be grateful that Doug helps me stay active and exercising while accommodating whatever injury I’m trying to get healed. I’ve also noticed that my strength and balance have improved.

Cross country skiing is my favorite sport and this past winter I was particularly happy because I was able to have a great season. This included being able to cross country ski race five times. Doug’s knowledge, skill and encouragement have been so helpful and supportive in helping me achieve and maintain an active lifestyle.

Thanks, Doug!
— Marlene

I have had a series of hip replacement surgeries over the past 20 years and felt like my body was crumbling, my gait had a pronounced limp, my lower back had chronic pain, and I felt fatigued all the time.

After Physical Therapy, I wondered what I could do on my own going forward. I needed a personal trainer to not only help me transition from Physical Therapy, but to guide me forward into total peak conditioning for my age and capabilities.

I was scared that I would get railroaded into doing things beyond my ability and, really, I had no idea what I was capable of... I just knew I needed to get jump-started and transitioned into a “wellness lifestyle,” and I needed a personal trainer to guide me.

I feel so lucky to have found Doug at Reinvention Fitness. It was serendipity, and has turned out to be the best thing I could have hoped for at this point in trying to redefine who I am as a fit and healthy person with the best physical condition I can obtain.

Doug is simply ideal at moving me forward in the most natural, comfortable, and actually fun way imaginable. I’ve already exceeded my own imagination and overcome huge mental barriers to physical conditioning! Every session is carefully planned to work on exactly the problem areas that have been holding me back, causing me pain, or creating less than optimal performance for my strength, flexibility, and especially my gait.

I am thrilled with my personal records and progress to date, and I look forward to each session rather than avoiding movement or making excuses. Doug has made my path toward strength, flexibility and stability fun and highly effective. I appreciate his in-depth knowledge and positive approach.
— Lu

I’m an active guy – mountain biking, back packing, SUP, weight training at the gym. Over the years I’ve had to listen to my body and seek trainers to help me through the usual challenges of aging to remain active. Most recently, this involved dealing with the negative side effects of combined radiation and hormone therapy for prostate cancer.

I had worked with Doug before. He has a novel approach that emphasizes body movement over pumping iron. I sought him out before treatment began to map out a program with three objectives:

1) Emerge from the therapy with the same level of core strength

2) Maintain my flexibility and balance

3) Sustain my energy level and endurance.

With Doug’s patient coaching I achieved all three goals.

It’s difficult to describe Doug’s approach. To my way of thinking, he helps reawaken and reactivate smaller but key muscle groups that help us remain supple and strong, but that tend to atrophy or stiffen from underuse as we age and become overly dependent on larger muscle groups. Most of the resistance and conditioning involve body motions, not weights. There’s plenty of cardio involved.

It’s not always easy. Some of the routines are extremely challenging. I asked Doug to push me, and he did, but with good humor, and always attentive to not exceeding the natural motions and limits of my body. I would highly recommend him to any guy or gal who is serious about maintaining a satisfactory level of fitness and activity.

I’ve been fortunate to have worked with many highly qualified physical trainers over the past 50 years. Doug Barsanti is one of, if not, the best.
— Bill

Doug was recommended to me by the owner of Toadal Fitness, where I am a member. Having retired from teaching, I was finally ready to get real about fitness. My goals were to increase my strength and flexibility.

Doug opened my eyes to a much broader definition of lifetime fitness. The training regimen he developed specifically for me has definitely yielded results. Most important, because of his depth of knowledge and keen observation, Doug identified some physical issues that needed to be addressed beyond the scope of our training. He suggested an evaluation by a physical therapist and now, in conjunction with the two of them, I am correcting physical issues I had resigned myself to accepting after years of futile treatments with doctors and various other practitioners.

I can’t imagine a better way to invest health care dollars. Age is NOT going to get in my way as I work to become fit for life. Oh yes...Doug has a great sense of humor too, and laughter is part of every training session.
— Linda

I was encouraged to talk with Doug Barsanti after a workout at Toadal Fitness to improve my fitness and help rehabilitate my back. I was still in physical therapy at Dominican and Doug coordinated my workouts with my P.T., which gave me a very consistent training regime. I’ve always had a regular workout routine, but Doug showed me new and safer ways to improve my strength and overall fitness and it was fun. He makes you feel comfortable and at the same time maintains a very professional approach to training. I would definitely recommend Doug as your next trainer. You won’t be disappointed.
— Renee

For many years I worked under pressure at a desk job. Over the years I had increasing levels of neck, shoulder, knee and lower back pain. Once I retired, I joined Toadal Fitness and started working out in classes and on machines which isolate big muscle groups.

Having worked with other trainers unsuccessfully, I was skeptical that anything could help me and I was concerned about being injured further. I thought the level of pain I experienced was just a natural progression and I would have to live with it. I was told by doctors that I should have shoulder replacement surgery and knew I should get in the best shape possible before surgery. Over time I noticed Doug training people at my gym and that his clients were doing exercises that looked more innovative using a combination of physical therapy and training that did not include machines. Doug was highly recommended by acquaintances, so I jumped in and have now only to wish that I had done so sooner.

With Doug’s help I have been able to change my posture and uplift out of pain especially in my knees, neck and lower back, where I no longer have any pain. I am still amazed and thrilled to go down stairs like a young person and not have pain. I won’t be having the prescribed shoulder surgery as the daunting shoulder pain I lived with for many years is gone. With Doug’s help I have been able heal my body of past stresses and injuries and greatly improve my posture and walking.

Vacations now are walking tours where I am able to walk for miles with no problem and my back no longer “goes out”. I am able to lift my suitcase up stairs, onto trains, and into overhead bins. As I’ve been able to enjoy so much more activity, if I do get injured, I know there is always a way back from it with Doug’s help.

Doug is able to see where you carry stress that is causing you to hold yourself in ways that are perpetuating bad posture, injury and resulting pain. His training style is professional and comfortable, and I have come to trust that Doug’s exercises push me, yet do not cause pain or injury, just the joy of feeling strong and super good. Doug offers a top quality exercise regime that I look forward to doing twice a week.
— Mary

I started working out with Doug about 4 years ago. I had completed 14 months of breast cancer treatments, was commuting two hours a day and working at a sedentary job. I was in my early 50’s and in the worse shape of my life - overweight, lethargic and unfit – and I hated exercise.

My first goal with Doug was to be able to put on my underwear without sitting down. Happily, we have achieved that goal and so much more. I have enjoyed almost every minute of my time with Doug. He is motivating, funny and most of all understands the human body. I may be exhausted but I’m still able to walk after my workouts. He pushes me but in a very supportive way. Unlike some of the other trainers I’ve watched, Doug gives me exercises appropriate for my age and challenges my abilities. Under his instruction, I have become a much better performer in many areas including strength, balance and agility. I am doing activities I would not have thought of a few years ago.

A couple years ago I rafted down the Colorado River for a week and was able to help set up camps, do the hikes and keep up with the younger members of the group. My “ah ha” moment came after the trip when I looked at pictures of myself taken at the top of the canyon looking down to where the rafts were. Wow, I made it up there with the leaders, not at the end of the line! Even more, I didn’t even consider remaining back at camp as I would have prior to training with Doug.

Several months ago, my goal was to deadlift my weight. We accomplished that and last month I lifted 215 pounds. While I don’t have plans to enter Olympic weight lifting competitions, just to know I can do it is exhilarating.

I’ve lost 30 pounds in the process and love the way I feel. I’m no longer having aches and pains in my body and feet, and I sleep better at night. My workouts are dates on my calendar that I schedule events around. I feel sluggish and tired now if I don’t exercise regularly. And I’m planning my next adventure vacation with activity in mind – no cruises for me!
— Marla

I was hired by CALFIRE as a forester and was required to attend the CAL FIRE Firefighter II Academy as a condition of my employment. Then I broke my humerus two weeks after I was hired.

When I came to ReInvention Fitness I was a mess. I was sad, sore, and full of self-doubt. Doug’s positive and encouraging attitude made him easy to work with. He did a great job of developing drills which mimicked real-life situations. I was well prepared to meet the diverse challenges of a difficult course meant for career firefighters. I am proud to say that with Doug’s help I was able to add one women to a class of 50 men.
— Sarah

I have spent most of my adult life with ‘bad’ knees. It started in my thirties and did not get any better, only worse, for ten years. I finally decided to do something about it and got some medical advice and physical therapy. It helped to a degree, and I began to improve. However, I hit a wall and could not get pain and swelling out of my knees with moderate activity.

I heard about Doug and his approach and decided to work with him. He presented a very different way to think about my problem, more a matter of ‘retraining’ the muscles in use, rather than just strengthening them. It took me a little while to really understand and execute what he was asking me to do. But the results have been virtually life changing!

I won’t forget the day when he ‘taught’ me to take a step up and support my weight properly – what had always been a painful moment, suddenly was effortless. It was almost miraculous. And I am now virtually pain free in almost all circumstances and am still getting better, more capable each week. My goals now are to remain pain free while challenging my body to higher and higher levels of physical demand.

I have recently started to play soccer and tennis pain free which was unimaginable just a short while ago. And more importantly, I am now able to concentrate on raising my overall fitness level (and losing weight) because I don’t have to worry about painful knees. I am so glad to have found Doug and Reinvention Fitness!
— John

At age 35, I found myself with few options left for treating my severe lower back pain. My recent pregnancy and career as a nurse had left me with terrible back pain, so much so that even getting out of bed was a feat riddled with pain.

For treatment I had been seeing a chiropractor and acupuncturist, as well as joining the gym and going to yoga and barre classes. I knew I needed more strength training but was hesitant to start lifting weights for fear of injuring myself even more.

That’s when I sought out the help of a personal trainer. I needed someone with a background in physical therapy, and with the help of the Toadal Fitness staff, I found Doug.

We began slowly and worked constantly on body mechanics and breathing. I learned that the yoga I had been doing was doing more harm than good for the type of pain I had.

Over the past two years I have been working with Doug once a week and now there are times when I forget that I even had back pain. I started feeling better within several months of working with him and my back pain has resolved. Occasionally I will get some pain after a work related injury but I have found I bounce back from the injury much faster now that I have a strong foundation.

I continue seeing Doug for personal training because we work on fitness goals that I’m excited about. At first I was nervous about getting a personal trainer but Doug is extremely pleasant to work with and is one of the most patient people I have ever met. He never makes me feel bad about setbacks and is always positive and encouraging.

I feel very lucky to have found a wonderful and reliable trainer that I look forward to seeing every week.
— Alana

I came to one of Doug’s workshops on aging and staying active at Toadal Fitness and was really interested in the functional training that he spoke about and taught that day. I followed up with Doug because I had set a goal for myself to paddle across Monterey Bay before I turned 55.

I felt like I was an active person surfing, hiking, biking, doing yoga, and gardening but I was feeling my physical fitness declining since I had reached age 50 and I was constantly dealing with small, persistent injuries. I had chronic back pain and a shoulder injury that still bothered me. Doug quickly began with a training regimen that kept me motivated and interested and I immediately began to feel stronger in my core and was able to access more strength for my favorite things to do.

After six months of training with Doug I broke my foot and immediately thought my progress would be halted for a year while my foot healed. That is not what Doug thought! He had me immediately back in the gym - working on keeping me fit and making sure my whole body did not decline just because of my broken foot! One year later my foot is fully recovered and strong as ever.

I trust Doug in knowing how to train my body to meet my goal before I turn 55. I really appreciate that Doug recognizes that setting goals for yourself physically is so important as you age and his training techniques support your goals. If you want to stay fit, achieve new levels in your fitness, and reach goals you set for yourself then I highly recommend Doug as a trainer and more importantly a mentor to get you there.
— Donna

I met Doug Barsanti owner of ReInvention Fitness via Toadal Fitness over a year ago. He was assigned to me when I first joined the gym to provide 3 complimentary training sessions. I was in a critical point in my life. I had recently lost about 40lbs and was starting to gain some back. I really wanted to start running again as I had not done so in too many years to mention.

I decided to make an investment in myself by signing up for personal training sessions with him. I’ve been seeing him consistently since September 2010 and thanks to him I just completed the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.

The training we did focused on strength, endurance and agility. Throughout my training Doug was aware of a prior knee injury and always kept that at the forefront of our training. He has also worked with me on nutrition and to some degree on raising my self esteem around body image issues - because yes our bodies do change once we reach 40!
— Emma